Penrose Colorado Gun TrainerIf you’ve been looking for a Penrose Colorado Gun Trainer you have come to the right place, because there is no better Penrose Colorado gun trainer in your area than Rick Sindeband at Have Gun Will Train Colorado.

Penrose, Colorado Gun Trainer

Rick Sindeband is currently training individuals and business owners in all aspects of safe gun handling with regard to
self-defense and concealed carry. Rick has been a shooting sports enthusiast for most of his
life, starting with his dad as a young child with shotguns, rifles, and reloading, then
migrating to pistols and self-defense.

After Rick spent 4 years in the United States Air Force, he spent almost 20 years in the Insurance industry as a trainer and Certified Insurance Counselor. Currently, he is a successful manufacturer of custom jewelry. Rick is an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor, and a Certified Instructor for Personal Protection In The Home and has just completed his NRA instructors course on both Rifle and Shotgun. Rick volunteers as an NRA Certified Range Safety Officer for Pueblo Municipal Shooters and Pistol Instructor with the American Legion.

Penrose, Colorado Gun Trainer for Concealed Carry

Rick has classes for both beginners and experienced shooters. Check the Training Schedule or Give Rick a call and discuss your gun training needs.

Have Gun Will Train Colorado is your Penrose, Colorado Gun Trainer

About the Instructor
Rick Sindeband

Any responsible gun owner knows, it is important to train with your firearm. Most of us do not jump out of an airplane with a parachute without first learning the proper way to do so safely, so it is with firearms. In Colorado, it is a requirement to receive training in order to get a Concealed Handgun Permit. A good firearms instructor, with
experience and training can make your journey efficient and more worthwhile.

Finding the right Colorado Gun Trainer is vitally important. As every person is different, each will have his or her own needs and goals when it comes to training. It is wise to find an instructor that can meet those needs and help one to attain their goals. When choosing the instructor and program that is right for you here are a few things to consider.

Firearms safety is paramount. When choosing an instructor, the first thing that should be looked at is safety. Do they teach the fundamentals of safety first thing?

Reviews by Former Students Click Here
Do a search online for reviews on a prospective instructor. See if there are any reviews by former students, and what they had to say about their experience.

nra-distinguished-expertShooting Experience-

If you are looking for someone to teach you how to shoot, obviously it is important that they have experience shooting. Rick is a Distinguished Expert in Semi-Auto Pistol through the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program.
