Presentation and Draw from the Conceal Carry Holster

Conceal Carry Draw From the Holster Training When you make a choice to conceal carry a gun it is important to get proper draw from the holster training for conceal carry and practice so you can handle your equipment safely and effectively. One area usually missing is learning to draw from your conceal carry holster….

Concealed Carry and the Post Office

The courts have now determined parking lots are off limits for gun! (updated 2023) Concealed Carry Not Allowed in Federal Facilities The federal government prohibits firearms in federal facilities (which includes post offices, IRS offices, etc.). Violating this prohibition may result in federal charges, and imprisonment up to a year. However, this prohibition does not…

Concealed Carry Training Gift Certificates

Concealed Carry Training Gift Certificates Give the gift of concealed carry training that may save a life. Firearms training is a wonderful and yet unique gift for a friend or loved one.   How to obtain a Concealed Carry Training Gift Certificate Certificates NOW on SALE for 2021 Holidays-2022 Training Contact me  on my contact page I…

New USCCA Concealed Carry Training Program

USCCA Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals Rick has become an affiliate instructor with the United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA). The new program was offered to 100 instructors around the country and Rick took advantage of this great program for concealed carry training.  The program focus is on developing a personal and home protection…

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