Concealed Carry Training-Important Skills

Concealed Carry Training

Concealed Carry Training

Concealed Carry Training is a must if you want to be able to defend yourself and your family. Let’s face it most people who carry a concealed firearm for self-defense are not skilled with the tools of the trade. Many are in denial. They think they will be good enough when they need to use their gun in self-defense. Many people I see have had a permit for more than 5 years many of them going on 10 and most of them have not kept up with their concealed carry training or never learned the skills necessary to survive in their first and only concealed carry training class.

The Most Important Concealed Carry Skills

The First Skill of concealed carry is to know and practice the 4 rules of gun safety. These are not suggestions they are the bible when it comes to gun handling. Live by these rules. Watch that muzzle direction when handling your firearm. Keep all body parts away from the muzzle. Too many people are putting their hands in front of the muzzle. Know these rules forward and backward. Know them by their numbers. If I talk about rule number 3 you ought to know what that is. Come on people there are only 2 keywords for every safety rule. It is not rocket science!

The Second Skill of concealed carry training is to learn your gun. I see many students who do not know their guns. Many don’t know how to work the safety if they have one and lots of the students cant properly load and unload their firearm without violating several safety rules (remember there are 4 safety rules). Many people choose the wrong gun. It doesn’t fit their hand (too small too big). The fact is people think the first criteria of a concealed handgun is it has to be small.

Small Guns-the Good and The Bad!

Small guns are hard to shoot and are not as accurate. Many times come in calibers that are either expensive to shoot or are not good at stopping a threat. Other guns have too many complex controls (single action only gun (1911) or a Traditional Semi-Auto that have a hammer and a decocker. These guns are great for some people, but for many its, either an accident waiting to happen or they just don’t have the skills to operate the gun efficiently or safely. Do yourself a favor and train with a point and shoot type gun that doesn’t have a hammer or a safety.

The Third Skill of concealed carry is to be able to put meaningful shots on a humanoid target in a short amount of time at the distances required. For starters, many people just think that going to the range and plinking is practice. It isn’t. You need to time yourself and you have to get accurate shots at meaningful distances on the target where they will count. I have many easy practice routines that you can run and your skill level will increase substantially.

The Importance of Skill #4 is Often Overlooked

The Fourth Skill is your draw and presentation of the gun. You need to be able to draw from your normal concealed carry position and put a couple of shots center mass at 3-5 and 7 yards in less than 2 seconds. Many current events in the news have shown us that the people who lost their lives in these self-defense events did not have these skills. There are many more Concealed Carry Training skills but these 4 are primary. By Primary I mean this is where you have to start. If you can’t do it with your current equipment (holster, the position you carry your gun on your body, or the type of gun you carry) then now is the time to change.

Remember I can help you get through this maze and make you a better gun handler.

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