Do You Have the 2020STRAP Virus
Do you have the 2020STRAP Virus? According to the online slang dictionary to be strapped is to carry a firearm. Are you carrying a concealed firearm everywhere that you can? Or do you only carry a concealed firearm when you think you’re going to need it? Murphy’s law says you will only need it when you don’t have it with you. As responsibly armed citizens, we have to carry everywhere we can legally. So what do you do when you go to the post office? Lock your gun in your vehicle gun safe not your glovebox or center console. Three Hundred plus guns that were left in cars in one of our neighboring cities were stolen in January.
The cure is to get inoculated with the P4 anti-virus. You can get your cure here without even going to the doctor or the pharmacy.
P (Practice)-Are you practicing with your handgun so that you can put shots on target at 21 feet in less than 3 seconds from concealment? Are you practicing with your firearm so that your familiarity and comfort level is good with your firearm? You have to be confident that you are handling your firearm correctly and safely. Practice some dry fire routines in front of a mirror. Check your draw stroke is it efficient and not full of unnecessary movement and motion. Are you carrying in a position on your body that is not good for you? Learn what the different carry positions are and the pros and cons of each.
P (Patience)-These skills don’t happen overnight you must practice the fundamentals and do it right every time. It’s not about how fast you can do it. It’s about doing it right so that not only is it right but it’s smooth. When you are smooth you will be fast. Take all the unnecessary steps out of your draw and presentation and practice frequently (with an unloaded gun of course). Dry firing is a skill that everyone needs to practice and understand.
P (Persistence)- Keep up your practice and don’t let your guard down. You have to practice frequently both dry fire and live fire. Try to keep a schedule of training in writing. It will help you to keep on track.
P (Purchase)- Buy a proper safe for your auto. Proper holsters, a shot timer, and the use of proper targets and training drills will all help you to succeed to the level you want to achieve. I have many drills and downloadable targets that you can use to irradicate the 2020STRAP VIRUS.