Dry Fire Training Is Important

Dry Fire Training Is Important

Dry Fire Practice Target

Dry Fire Training is an easy way to practice your shooting skills without having to fire a shot. Remember safety is always paramount.

Here are some great Dry Fire training routines that I think you will enjoy. Download the target below and print it. This target is a great resource for dry firing. The target features 5 circles scaled to reflect an 8-inch target at different ranges when viewed from a distance of 4 yards (12 feet). There are circles for targets at 7, 10, 15, 20, and 25 yards. you can download some targets here.

Other FREE Targets Available HERE

Dry Firing is Training

In your dry firing practice, you will always have some wobble (infinity symbol)infinity symbol firearm training. Learn to break the shot as your gun sites pass through your target. Good grip and good stance are always important. As you can see in the video it is possible to practice every aspect of your self-defense shooting habits. Learn the different shooting positions and practice your draw stroke in many different situations. This dry fire training practice is essential to becoming that great gun handler you desire to be.

Dave Spaulding of Handgun Combatives was the 2010 LAW OFFICER TRAINER OF THE YEAR and he talks about ways that you can practice your skills outside of the range in the comfort of your home.

I think this target and these dry firing routines are the best I have come across and I am integrating this into my own gun training routine.

Remember I am a dealer for the SIRT Training Pistol and I would be glad to give you a quote for any model you would like to acquire.

Why Train With Rick


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