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Great Pistol Class Pueblo Colorado

Mr. Ron at the class
Mr. Ron Telling the class a story

What a Great Class……everyone was very receptive to the NRA basic pistol training course. We even had one person that had never shot a pistol before. The class was mixed male and female and not all were sure they were going to get a Concealed-Handgun-Permits, but all walked away with a certificate that would allow them to do so.  Most were trying to make sure they knew enough to make a good informed decision about whether it is right for them or not. One thing they all did was learn how to be a safer, better shooter. Some had decisions to make about the kind and caliber of gun. Some needed to be more informed about the responsibility of safely storing guns in the home. Every person had some great stories to tell and my team instructors had some excellent stories of their own. This is the type of class anyone could take…old, young,experienced or novice. We had them all and they all came away smarter, safer and confident about handguns and the role they play in protecting the students and their families.

Class at the Range
Class at the Range receiving safety briefing

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