Gun Control Skills-Sight Alignment

Gun Control SkillsAiming your handgun is one of the gun control skills you must acquire to be able to hit the target and of course protect yourself in a self protection encounter. Aiming your handgun is a basic part of gun control skills and its use,  also a very important safety aspect of handling a firearm i.e.,muzzle direction. The sights are located on top of the barrel of your handgun. The front sight needs to be level with the top of the rear sight. Many types of sights are available on firearms today but the all serve the same purpose, to align the barrel of your firearm with your target so you can hit what you are aiming at. No matter which variety of sights your firearm has, the key skill is to keep your eyes focused on the front sight while aligned with the rear sight. The target should be slightly blurred and you should be focused on your front sight.

Gun Control Skills-Trigger Control

No one, not even the very best shots can hold a gun perfectly still. Trigger control and sight alignment go hand in hand and are the shooters best gun control skills. Most misplaced shots are due to poor trigger control. Learn to take the slack out of your trigger and then press the trigger in a smooth action to break the shot. You will have more enjoyment from your shooting time when you are hitting the target.

Gun Control Skills

Remember the FBI report that says shot placement is more important when selecting a gun than caliber size.

Gun control skills will make you a better shot and give you greater self  protection.

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