Intervention With A Concealed Handgun
Intervention with a Concealed Handgun
in situations not involving you!
I teach in all my classes that you are risking your Life, Freedom, and Financial Loss when you step outside of your family circle and close friends to protect someone with your concealed handgun. Intervention with a Concealed Handgun in situations not involving you can be very dangerous. There are many ways this kind of activity can go bad for you. It doesn’t take much to understand that many criminal actors have associates that are standing by just in case the need arises to step in and help. Many times it takes a very alert individual to spot these associates and recognize the risk involved. It is very common for this scenario to exist in armed robberies. In some cases may be an undercover police officer is involved or is close by. Remember that when you pull your concealed handgun in public no one knows you from the criminals.
Be Aware of Your Surroundings
The story that always sticks in my mind is the man who is in Walmart when a gunman starts shooting people and the armed citizen thinks he is in a position to take the criminal out and save the day. Unfortunately for our armed hero, he does not understand that the criminal’s girlfriend is standing behind him and when he accesses his concealed handgun she shoots him in the back and kills the good Samaritan. These types of events happen when you are focused on the bad guy and are not aware of your surroundings. When you are scared you will focus on one thing (the guy with the gun).
Even In the Bible
There are many examples of Intervention With A Concealed Handgun in personal defense. I did not realize until recently that this topic was even discussed in the bible. He that passeth by, and meddleth with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears. (Proverbs 26:17) apparently, this has been true for thousands of years and still is today.