New Concealed Carry Permit Law in Colorado
To be Compliant with the New Concealed Concealed Carry Permit Law in Colorado, new applicants will have more extensive and more expensive training requirements. with HB 24-1174 Effective July 1, 2025, the state of Colorado requires an 8-hour class that is taught by a Verified Instructor over one full day or several days (most likely two 4-hour classes).
New Concealed Carry Permit law in Colorado
New Applicants for Concealed Carry Permit in Colorado will have mandated educational topics in the upcoming classes.
The Class must provide certain elements as prescribed by the law
▪ Knowledge and safe handling of firearms and ammunition
▪ Safe storage of firearms and child safety
▪ Safe firearms shooting fundamentals
▪ Federal and state laws pertaining to the lawful purchase, ownership, transportation, use, and possession of firearms
▪ Extreme Risk Protection Orders
▪ Requirements for reporting lost or stolen firearms
▪ Requirements for secure firearms storage
▪ State laws pertaining to the use of deadly force for self-defense
▪ Instruction on state laws enacted within 5 years before the class that pertains to the purchase, ownership, transportation, use, and possession of firearms
▪ Best practices to ensure concealed handgun permit holders safely interact with law enforcement
personnel who are responding to an emergency
▪ Instruction regarding techniques for avoiding a criminal attack and how to manage a violent confrontation, including conflict resolution and judgmental use of lethal force
▪ Students will complete a live-fire exercise on a range, discharging at least 50 rounds with a minimum 70% accuracy score
▪ Students will complete a written open book Concealed Handgun Competency exam with a minimum score of 80%.
After completion of this class, you will receive a certificate of training, and this will allow you to complete the application process by going to the sheriff’s website or office depending on where you live in Colorado. In Pueblo County the electronic online application can be found at:
Under the New Concealed Carry Permit law in Colorado there is going to be much confusion by the Sheriffs and the Instructors. We have been warned that some Sheriffs offices will have a cutoff period for new applications under the old law. This will also add to the confusion.
The old classes will continue until we are told they are no longer allowed.
Renewal Applicants for Concealed Carry Permit in Colorado will have mandated educational topics in their upcoming classes.
Minimum of 2 hours
▪ Instruction on changes to federal and state laws related to firearms enacted within 5 years prior to the refresher class.
▪ Students will complete a live-fire exercise on a range, discharging at least 50 rounds with a minimum 70% accuracy score
▪ Students will complete a written open book Concealed Handgun Competency exam with a minimum score of 80%.
Scheduling of these new classes will happen as soon as the sheriff requires them. We will keep you posted