Whats the Difference Among Concealed Carry Classes
Many People are Asking Whats the Difference Among Concealed Carry Classes
First- This is THE CLASS not A CLASS for CCW Permits in Southern Colorado
No one has more expertise on the subject matter in this area than the Instructor at Have Gun Will Train Colorado (HGWTC) . The state of Colorado has no curriculum defined for these classes. You get what the instructor knows and teaches. Many Instructors have a credential that says they can teach these classes but the do not have experience or the information you get from HGWTC. The book that every student gets is written by Rick Sindeband and has a great outline for study later when you need to review. Gun stores, Gun Ranges and Law Enforcement refer people to our classes all the time. People in the know say HGWTC is the place to go.
Second- Gun Handling
Any class that states you can not have a gun in class, or does not handle guns in class is doing you a dis-service. One of the key elements Instructors should be teaching is how to avoid or eliminate administrative gun handling accidents. Administrative gun handling accidents are anything you do with a gun besides shoot it. Load it, Unload it (clearing the firearm) transporting it, cleaning it or just showing it to someone. Most firearms accidents happen in this arena. HGWTC shows you a method that few instructors teach in their classes. This is one of the most important things you will ever learn about handgun handling or gun safety.
Third- The Law
Many people including some national organizations think you can not teach the Law in these classes. While we are not attorneys we understand the concepts of the law that you must understand so that you don’t make serious mistakes with your firearm. Unlike many classes Colorado Gun Law, and Self Defense Law are covered in these classes.
Fourth- Shooting
The state of Colorado does not require you to shoot to get a permit. That’s why free classes and hotel classes exist and can qualify you for a permit.(You get what you pay for) With HGWTC you get a one on one shooting lesson with no additional charge. Shooting in groups with new students can be frustrating, dangerous, and time consuming. Everyone does not get the personal attention they may need to become a good gun handler and put shots on target properly. With HGWTC a credentialed expert will be assisting YOU the whole time you are handling your gun and learning to shoot.
Fifth- Many Dates and Times Available for Training
HGWTC is the only facility in this part of the state that has classes every day. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1pm-5pm. Tuesday 10am to 2pm and Thursday from 9am-1pm. Saturday and Sunday at 8am until noon. We like to have reservations so we know how many books to have available for our students.
In addition HGWTC has free gun cleaning classes thru out the year for their students, and Discounts on additional training that you may need or desire.
Have Gun Will Train Colorado is in its 15th year of service to Southern Colorado. Thousands of students have received this training and have gone on to be good safe gun handlers in our community.
Sign Up for this great training TODAY