Restricted Concealed Carry-Pueblo Colorado

Concealed Carry Restrictions

The License is for Concealed Carry

Restricted Concealed Carry -There are some confusing signs in the Pueblo area that restrict your right to carry a concealed weapon. Some of the signs are on public or county properties and they are very visible. The first one that we have all seen says The Open Carrying of Firearms Or Deadly Weapons Within This Building Is Prohibited”. This sign is straightforward. You can not carry a gun that is exposed (open carry) as the cowboys did in the old days in this building. Concealed Carry is fine but it has to be concealed. The Confusing part of this sign is when it shows up somewhere that you can’t carry at all. Look at the 10th judicial court building where they have metal detectors and sheriff officers guarding the entrance.

CCW is allowed not open carryConcealed Carry Sign Pueblo West Library

The next one is a little tricky and people have told me that is says something different than it actually does. “Bringing in concealed weapons that are not legally licensed and permitted, or openly displaying a weapon except by law enforcement officials is prohibited”  this sign has two parts separated by a comma. The first part says you can’t bring a concealed weapon in unless it is licensed or permitted. The second part says no open carry except by law enforcement. These types of  Concealed Carry restrictions or notices are common. The problem ensues when a person doesn’t read the entire sign and really dissect what the meaning or intent is from the sign.

Remember it is your responsibility as a licensed concealed carry individual to know and understand all the restricted areas that you encounter in your normal travels around town. Restrictions apply but are not limited to, the Jail, Post Office, Court, Schools, Airports, Public Transportation(Bus), Colorado State Fair Grounds. Of course, any place that has a metal detector or a sign posted with some restrictions.

Pueblo City Ordinance 11-1-601


The Pueblo City Ordinance  11-1-601 is very clear on the subject. It defines all the things you should not do and then tells you what you can do. This ordinance discusses knife blade lengths and stun guns. When living in the Pueblo area you should read this ordinance so that you are informed.

Restricted Carry Pueblo Colorado

Pueblo City Ord 11-1-601

Bank signs vary from location to location. One of the things that always comes up Bank Sign in Pueblois the fact that no gun signs in Colorado have no force of law. What that means is that Colorado, unlike some other states, has some very weak language in its sign law. Attorneys report that in these locations all that can happen to you if caught with a firearm is to be asked to leave. Should you refuse you may be able to be charged with trespassing.  Timothy J. Priebe, Esq. an attorney in Colorado has written a paper called Should I Stay Or Should I Go where he discusses this issue. You should read and understand this document.

Bank Sign TexasThis sign is on one of the local banks in downtown Pueblo, Colorado it is totally bogus. This sign is the Texas Law 30-06 and these laws do not exist in Colorado. This bank just thinks most people will follow whatever sign they post or that gun owners are sheep. (This sign has been removed)


As always none of this is legal advice. Most advocate being informed and follow the law. To follow the law you must understand the difference between coffee table chat and knowledge. My class has new information in it all the time. If you are a concealed carry permit holder and you are up for renewal you would be wise to get some updated information so that you can make good decisions for yourself and your family.Medical facility sign

This is a great reference book that everyone should have in their library.

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  1. You don’t state the answer to the second sign. Does my cc permit offer as a valid license for my concealed weapon or not? Or does the weapon itself need a special license. Confusing to say the least.

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