Shoot Your Pistol Better In 30 Days
Many people want to shoot better and they try different methods for obtaining the skill. Some work and some don’t. It’s like anything else that works for one person may not work for the other. I am going to give you a simple roadmap to success for you to shoot your pistol better.
1. Good Equipment
Get a good handgun. A reliable modern handgun can take many forms. You need a gun that fits you. You have to be able to hold the gun, work the controls, and fire it safely. Learn the proper method of loading and unloading your gun. I teach a standard method for this in my primary class for both pistol and revolver. Learn to lube and clean your handgun properly. I have free gun cleaning classes several times a year. A properly lubed, clean firearm will serve you well when you need it. If carrying a firearm for self-defense you must learn to draw from the holster.
A good place to start is with a strong side belt holster and a good belt. All my primary students are eligible for a draw from the holster 2-hour session at a greatly reduced price. Don’t worry about IWB OWB AIWB and all the other alphabet inside or outside the waistband carry methods. If you want to carry a holster you have to learn Strong Side Belt Holster first. All other holster methods are an easy learning process from there. A properly holstered gun carry requires a good sturdy belt so that your gun and holster are supported properly. Other Miscellaneous equipment as you go along will include timers or cell phone apps, proper ammunition for your firearm and Tape, staplers and marking pens as desired.
2. Good Technique
All good skills with a handgun come from proper technique. To shoot your pistol better you must learn to use the right techniques for success. It’s like building a wall. The foundation must be sturdy or the wall will fall. Grip- Stance- Sight Alignment- Trigger Press is the whole ball game. Anyone who has taken my primary class is eligible for a shooting session. Take advantage of that. Once you learn these proper techniques they will be the foundation for your success in handgun shooting. A good grip and a smooth draw from the holster put it all together while following the 4 primary gun safety rules.
3. Make A Commitment
For you to shoot your pistol better you must make a commitment to training. This training routine is no different than going to the gym. You will start out slow, remember using the small weights and then progressing to the bigger ones. The number of rounds fired will be up to you. (Quality not Quantity) I see people burning ammo on public nights at the range and they never get better. I also see people chasing the red dot on the target. You’re not on the swat team! Learn to use your sights and trigger properly. You are doing your family and friends a disservice if you are promoting the use of a laser.
4. Keep Score
If you don’t test yourself you don’t know where you are today (baseline). Then over time, you can see your improvement (where you are going) if you keep records. Just get a cheap little spiral notebook and check your progress over time.
5. Find Different And Exciting Training Routines
This keeps it fresh and training becomes fun not just punching holes in paper. Every training regimen should include a dry fire component. I have dry fire material I will share with you so you can learn to shoot your pistol better. Claude Werner(The Tactical Professor), Greg Ellifritz (Active Response Training), and many others publish some great training materials online. I will share the location of this material as we progress.
6. Keep It Simple Be Creative
I find paper plates are great targets and cheap at the dollar store. You can be very creative with them. Collect some plastic lids 4, 6 and 8-inch circles to draw around as templates. Build a target template that you can spray using spray paint. Colored index cards and 8.5×11 plain or colored paper make some great targets.
I will get you started. Sign up and I will send you some dryfire info and a practice routine every Sunday night for the next month. If you follow the program and keep score you will be on your way to being a better shooter in 30 days. Remember to follow all the rules of the shooting facility you will be using. Those rules are in place for many reasons, mostly for your safety, safety of the facility, and other shooters. If you need other help to shoot your pistol better or additional information let me know when you sign up.
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