Colorado Concealed Carry Without A Permit

Colorado Concealed Carry Without A Permit has limitations There are 5 exceptions to the Colorado Concealed Carry Law let’s look at the situations where they apply. Colorado Concealed Carry Without A Permit can be done in 5 instances they are Home, Auto, Business, Land, and Hunting. Let’s look at some of the provisions of these…

Concealed Carry Permit Renewal Pueblo Colorado

Concealed Carry Permit Renewal Pueblo Colorado If you are reading this article its likely been some time since you had any formal training update for your concealed carry permit renewal. DON’T RISK YOUR LIFE, YOUR FREEDOM, or YOUR SAVINGS Maybe your Permit Renewal is about to happen. Well, the good news is you have found…

New Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit Program

Get as much training as you desire. Our new 3 Level Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit Training Program lets you build your training and skill over time. Each module is attainable in approximately 4 hour blocks. Take the Level I class no matter what your skill level is now. This gives you a good foundation for advanced training…

Training Opportunities for Concealed Carry Part 2

The next step in the process is to build some defensive shooting skills for Concealed Carry. Once you have your basic gun handling and safety rules behind you its time to start to learn some skills that will help protect you and your family. Presentation And Draw From The Holster- Presentation to a ready position…

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