Accident-Gram firearms accident investigations
I have started a new section on Have Gun Will Train Colorado (HGWTC) Website called Accident-Gram. The idea for Accident-Gram came to me when I was taking some recent industry safety training. Safety and safety training has been part of my life for many years. It started with my dad many years ago when he was the Safety Superintendent at CF&I Steel and continued in my career as an Insurance Broker and Certified Insurance Counselor with Front Range Insurance Services Inc. in Colorado and New Mexico. Why not critique some of the firearms accidents I hear about and give people an overview of the gun safety issues involved and how to avoid these accidents. I will be keeping my ear to the ground for local and regional firearms accidents and any help hearing about them would be appreciated. Many of the firearms accidents that happen go unreported. I have started with a few that I know about and will be expanding it from there. Of course, I will be looking for accidents that relate to the mishandling of handguns in the Concealed Carry lifestyle. Sometimes the information in firearms accidents is not complete and I will try to relay the facts as I can best determine them.
- Accident-Gram Police Officer Shoots Self
- Accident-Gram Starbucks Lady Drops Purse
- Accident-Gram Colorado Shopper Shoots Floorboard Of Car
- Accident-Gram Texas Gal Shoots Self In The Hand
- Accident-Gram Indiana Man Shoots Self in Ankle
- Accident-Gram Pueblo Man Gets Shot Playing with Gun
- Accident-Gram CCW Permit Student Shot By Firearms Instructor
- Accident-Gram Colorado Springs Man Shoots Self While Holstering