Concealed Carry and Personal Protection in the Home

Colorado Concealed Carry

Right now in our community and all over the nation there seems to be an increase in violent activity especially in the home. You and your family’s safety are at risk more now than ever before.  Many states have what is known as a castle doctrine, basically the right to protect your castle. In Colorado they call it the Make My Day Law. You have the right to protect yourself and your family from harm, and in that law you are given special protection from criminal and civil liability.  Please take the time to understand how to protect your family and have a plan of action so that your entire family knows what to do when the proverbial  S#!T hits the fan.


Rule #1…….don’t answer the door in the middle of the night….
Are you kidding me… I should not even have to say this.  People coming to your house late at night should call in advance and let someone know they are coming.

Rule #2…… the statute says uninvited entry….
Don’t help them out by letting them in.

Rule #3…..don’t ever go outside with a gun …..
Your protected under the statute in your home not on your front lawn or in your backyard

Rule#4….your garage is part of your home…….
If your garage is attached to your home it is part of your home. Let the Police handle that guy who is out in your garage. Remember if you confront someone and they decide not to comply with your commands you may have to shoot them.

Rule #5….shooting someone is always ugly…….
Remember that shooting someone always comes with consequences. Loss of employment, Loss of friends, time from work, loss of money from legal defense, and dealing with that fact that you had to do this to another human being.

Concealed Carry Training

You can learn all about protecting your family in and out of your home by taking my Colorado Concealed Carry Class. Many people take the concealed carry class and get the gun training and safety information and then may not apply for a concealed carry permit. Contact me for a free assessment of what training would be good for you. Concealed Carry is not for everybody, but everyone needs to know the laws about guns and when and where you are allowed to protect yourself.

Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry class is easy and fun. The format is great for all ages. People with no experience have a great time and enjoy it alot.

Concealed Carry may not be for everyone

Colorado Concealed Carry Class is so much more than just concealed carry. Contact me and we can discuss your training needs.

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