Concealed Carry Pueblo Colorado

Follow these “Three Stupid Rules” and your whole life will be better!

1. Don’t Do Stupid Things.

2. Don’t Go To Stupid Places.

3. Don’t Have Stupid Friends.

If you attend Patrick Watt’s Law and Legal Class on Nov 6th 2011 at Pueblo Municipal Shooters you will be helped with answers for 2 out of 3. The third one is all on you. Seriously this class has great info for anyone concerned about the gun laws of Colorado, and is not just for those that are thinking of getting a concealed carry permit. It is actually great information for anyone that has a gun in their home or car, and for anyone who is worried about having to defend themselves or their families against intruders in their home or business.

Concealed Carry Laws

in Colorado are fairly straight forward and in this 4 hour class they become even clearer because of the great experience of the instructor Patrick Watts.

Law and Legal for Concealed Carry

is only $15 so set aside the Sunday afternoon for a great learning session with one of the top authorities in the area. If you don’t have your concealed carry permit don’t worry this is great info for those that are thinking about it, already have it, or just want to be sure of the Colorado laws.  Concealed Carry laws in Colorado are very straight forward and the make my day law is one of the best in the country, learn about concealed carry in school zones and many other topics.

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