Recent Attacks in the Pueblo Colorado Area call for Pepper Spray

Pepper Spray may be the Answer

I have witnessed and been made aware of more aggressive behavior by our local element in the Pueblo Colorado area where Pepper Spray might be appropriate. Sometimes this element is pestering you for money. In one of the local popular shopping areas such as Barnes and Noble or King Soopers parking lot, sometimes it is the younger more aggressive crowd. They seem to think the world owes them something that they have not really earned.

I personally witnessed one assault verbal and somewhat physical the other morning at a local restaurant and management did nothing to stop it. It took everything I had to stay out of it, and if you know me you know I’m not likely to stand by and watch somebody be abused by a group of young drunk or high (on drugs) individuals. But I told myself in the famous words of a world-renowned Instructor Not my people Not my problem!

You have to remember that it is a privilege to be legally armed in public. Just because you are carrying a gun does not mean that you are ok to jump to everyone’s rescue. I tell most of my students that this privilege. It is for you to protect yourself and your family from death or serious grave bodily injury. You should refrain from sticking your nose into other peoples problems. Especially when there is no danger of death or serious bodily injury.

Pepper Spray is a Non-Deadly Force Option

That being said I think everyone should consider always having a less than lethal form of protection available to you at a moment’s notice so that you can handle these types of incidents if they spill over into your space and they are not deadly force threats. Remember the quote that says if all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail! Well, this is quite true if you are carrying a concealed firearm and that is all you have. You are more likely to use it when it is not appropriate.

So recently I have become a big advocate of OC Oleoresin Capsicum sprays (pepper spray). These sprays come in very easy-to-carry sizes made for runners and bicycle riders and they are easily deployed with a little pepper spray training. I talked to a senior citizen female today that said a man reached into her car last week while trying to panhandle and for me this would be the straw that broke the camel’s back. She had her window down and we discussed the bad situations you put yourself in when doors are not locked and windows are not rolled up.

Pepper spray is legal in Colorado and can be deployed when someone puts you in a situation where deadly force would not be justified. These non-lethal attacks happen many times more often than lethal attacks do.


Just remember to call the authorities about the attack. You want to be the first one to the phone and report it. If the attacker reports it first and says you are crazy and you attacked them. You may have to defend yourself from a legal mess with the law.

What is OC/Pepper Spray

Pepper spray is a chemical compound made from red pepper that irritates the eyes to cause tears, pain, and temporary blindness it is used in policing and self-defense, including defense against dogs and bears. Its inflammatory effects cause the eyes to close, taking away vision. This temporary blindness allows officers to more easily restrain subjects and permits people in danger to use pepper spray in self-defense for an opportunity to escape. It also causes temporary discomfort and burning of the lungs which causes shortness of breath.

Major Capsaicinoids (MC) are the chemical components of peppers that make them hot. Measuring by MC is a laboratory conducted and very accurate test for gauging hotness. Oleoresin Capsicum is the oil extracted that contains within it the Major Capsaciniods.


POM OC/Pepper Spray is MADE IN USA

Commitment to Quality

I have these sprays available in easy to carry sizes and also have some practice sprays for those that would like to practice without fear of being sprayed themselves. In addition, I have training available for any person or group that would like to arrange it

Some Articles of Interest:

Buy OC Now

pepper spray
Product Specs:

Strength – POMClear Formulation – 1.40% major capsaicinoids (MC), 10% OC concentration, & 2M Scoville heat units (SHU)
Spray Pattern – Stream
Range – Up to 12 feet
Capacity – ½ fluid oz. unit with up to 20 (½ sec.) bursts or up to 10 seconds of continuous spray. (7/8“ Diameter 3 ½“ Length)
Expiration Date – located on the bottom of the canister
Can not be shipped to the following states – AK, DC, HI, PR, MA & NY

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