Massad Ayoob back in Colorado

Massad Ayoob’s  MAG 40 Coming to Northern Colorado

Deadline to Register is
June 26, 2019

Register today at:

Once again I was asked to be one of the (RSO) Range Safety Officer’s for this MAG 40 event. If you can attend the live shooting portion of this event do it, you will not be sorry. Both portions of this training are superb. Training at this event is by one of the top instructors in the United States. The live fire portion fills up fast

July 11th -12th 2019  MAG 20 Live Fire Class

36 seats available for this class. Only 5 return student seats available. Contact for these seats.

A two day, 20 hour immersion course in the use of the defensive handgun under extreme stress. Draw from concealment, two-handed stances, shooting from cover, one-handed stances with either hand, speed reloading, and more are taught with an overall emphasis on fast, accurate shot placement. The course will culminate with a police-style qualification course.  Come prepared to leave a better shooter under stress.

July 13th – 14th MAG 20 Armed Citizens Judicial use of Lethal Force Seminar. Unlimited Seating.

        Massad Ayoob, founder of the Massad Ayoob Group, needs little introduction in shooting circles. Mas is one of the best known self-defense and firearms trainers in the world. He has been teaching police officers since 1974, and civilians since 1981. His landmark book, In the Gravest Extreme, continues to be one of the best texts on the civilian use of lethal force. Mas routinely consults and testifies as a firearms and self-defense expert across the country. In addition to his legal acumen, Mas is a skilled shooter, being one of only eleven people in the world to earn a Five Gun Master ranking in IDPA.  What an outstanding opportunity in today’s climate to gain this knowledge from a world leader in the firearm arena.

 Once Registered you will recieve additional information, Lodging, Location, and other pertinent information.

Massad Ayoob at Mag 40

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