Options When Carrying A Concealed Handgun
Many of us are carrying a concealed handgun for self-protection these days, but are we prepared for an encounter that does not rise to the use of deadly force. A less than lethal force option is recommended by all so that you have more options than just using deadly force. The old saying “when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail” applies here. Statistics put out by law enforcement agencies state that you are 10 times more likely to encounter an event that does not qualify for the use of deadly force than one that does. Collapsible Batons and Stun Guns are illegal in Pueblo, see Pueblo City Ord Sec. 11-1-601. Pepper spray is not mentioned in the ordinance and most experts consider it to be the best of the less than lethal options anyway. Colorado does not have any state-specific laws that restrict purchasing, carrying or using pepper spray as a self-defense tool.
See The Code Here
One of the things that people forget about Pepper Spray is that in self-defense situations where you might wonder if you should pull your gun, pepper spray gives you some extra time to make good decisions. Making good decisions in self-defense situations is one of our big discussions in class. Having a less-than-lethal option at your disposal will give you the chance to make better decisions or just time to get away.
My choice and what I recommend to all my students is WildFire Pepper Spray, this is the most powerful spray tested by a laboratory so we know the results are correct. This spray is 1.4% Major Capsaicinoids. Major Capsaicinoids (MC) are the chemical components of peppers that make them hot. Measuring by MC is a laboratory conducted and very accurate test for gauging hotness. Oleoresin Capsicum is the oil extracted that contains within it the Major Capsaicinoids. I am a dealer for this pepper spray and it comes in a convenient easy to carry inexpensive size.
These sprays make great gifts for loved ones who can not carry a gun at work or those that have to walk to their cars maybe even in the dark. Runners and bicyclists love these sprays.
Carrying a Concealed Handgun is a privilege that many of us participate in. Carrying a less-than-lethal option is a very good idea for all of us. Just think about the places that we can not carry our firearms. This gives us some options to defend ourselves in many of these places that we can not carry a concealed handgun. These sprays are available from me at very low prices…