Pueblo Colorado Concealed Carry Class
Pueblo Colorado Concealed Carry Class
Pueblo Colorado Concealed Carry Class is held several times during the week. The schedule is need-based and is subject to change all the time. This Pueblo Colorado Concealed Carry class is for beginners and experienced alike. It is my goal to provide the best education on a basis that works for people with busy schedules. Pueblo Colorado Concealed Carry Class has been held on weekday mornings and weekday evenings depending on the need. Almost every week a Saturday or Sunday option is available. The current schedule is Monday Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am. Thursday and Friday at 9am. Saturday and Sunday are at 8am for the Pueblo Colorado Concealed Carry Class.
Gun Safety
This class always includes a section on gun safety. Gun safety is paramount, especially since an individual is more likely to hurt themselves or another family member than they are to ever have a self-defense situation where they would defend themselves or their family with a gun.
Colorado Gun Laws and Use of Force
A section on this topic is always included so the individual understands the ins and outs of gun possession. These laws vary from state to state but most people spend the majority of their time in the state of Colorado so the need is for them to understand Colorado and its laws. The use of deadly force is a subject that can take a tremendous amount of time to learn all the nuances of these Colorado laws. I have taken the majority of these sections and boiled them down to understandable topics that you need to know to keep yourself and your family safe and out of trouble.
Some topics covered in this section:
The permit process
Places you can legally carry concealed and open
States that your permit is valid in
Colorado 18-1-704 Use of physical force in defense of a person
Colorado 18-1-704.5 Make My Day
Elements of Self Defense
AOJ Triad
Tuller Drill
Encounters with Law Enforcement
Use of Force Scenarios and Discussion
Guns and Gun Handling
I ask my students to bring a gun to the Pueblo Colorado Concealed Carry Class (with no ammunition of course). This is for people who already have a gun for concealed carry or own several guns and want to see if it is an appropriate selection for its intended use. All others I ask them not to buy a gun before class. I will teach the most important factors in choosing a gun and many of the aspects that go along with it. I will have plenty of guns in class so do not worry about not having a gun.
Some topics you will learn in this section:
Proper loading and unloading of Revolvers
Standard loading and unloading of Semi-Auto Pistol
Exact names for the parts of a gun
Proper ammunition for practice and self-defense
Many other topics and discussions will be entered into the Pueblo Colorado Concealed Carry Class. I also give one hour of shooting with each class, not always held on the same day. There is no additional charge for this on my part. You will have to pay range fees and bring your own ammunition.
Many of my students enjoy these classes and you can see many recommendations and reviews in several places on the internet.
Sign up today for the Pueblo Colorado Concealed Carry Class