Facts From Instructors at Concealed Carry Expo
In a recent Concealed Carry Expo, our industry’s finest and most talented instructors and leaders of gun organizations got together and discussed training ideas and common ground. These are some ideas that came from this event. Some of these you have heard before some may be new.
-Muscle memory is a myth. You train your mind to remember with neural pathways to the brain. muscles have no memory.
-No one class can pass gunfight information to a student. What we can pass on is mindset and awareness. How not to get into the gunfight
-How many hours a day do we spend in our vehicles. Have you trained to fight in and around vehicles? It is not easy without some education.
-We train in square ranges with flat surfaces usually in daylight. How many events happen in these perfect conditions? Especially in daylight, not darkness. Have you ever trained in darkness?
-We train for concealed carry in square ranges with flat surfaces usually in daylight. How many events happen in these perfect conditions? Especially in daylight, not darkness. Have you ever trained in darkness?
-We train for years for an event that is over in 5 seconds or less. Can you draw and put meaningful shots on a small target in a short period of time under stress?
-The Concealed Carry Permit is a permit for self-defense that means someone else is making the first move or attacking you. You are not the one acting first, anyway, you’re not supposed to be.
-We will always be attacked when we are vulnerable, in our worst moment or position. have you trained for that?
-We don’t choose the place or the time of the attack. You train for concealed carry in perfect conditions. Will your gunfight happen in those perfect conditions. Have you ever drawn your handgun from the seated position of your car or a booth in the restaurant? Criminals train to catch you off guard when you are vulnerable at your worst moment.
-You defend yourself with the fundamentals or the foundations of gun handling. Everyone wants to be advanced and have the greatest equipment and lightning draw. Do you have the fundamentals down?
-Legal owners of firearms need to be educated. the worst enemy for people who carry firearms (all of us) Â is to have a legal owner use it the wrong way.
-Carry a big enough, easy to shoot handgun, with enough ammo capacity to give 3 criminals each a healthy serving of lead (that serving is normally more than two rounds and as many as five) you do the math. If you hit all shots is 6 or even 8 rounds enough? Not if you believe 80% of your shots will be missed. If you carry a smaller gun have you trained to get more ammo into it so you can survive the encounter.
These are just some of the ideas that came out in this recent event. I can help you get on a track to get there. Start small and work your way towards it. I have some ideas and can help you get there if you want to.
If you would like to attend a concealed carry shoot in the dark session let me know. [I would Like To Shoot In The Dark]
My favorite training for shooting from in and around vehicles is still available at an unbelievably low price. This is the best online training for this I have ever seen. [check out vehicle online tactics course]
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