U.S. Virtual Training Center Review in Colorado Springs

u.s.virtual training center

U.S. Virtual Training Center

Left the house about 7 am today and stopped at my favorite watering hole to pick up a coffee mocha to go. While I was waiting, I was reading an article about how RCBS  got started way back in the day and was thinking about how exciting it is to start a new business (been there done that “BTDT”) and the American entrepreneurial spirit that is still alive in our country today. My friends, Dennis Stroh and Jeff Grissom from Colorado Springs, are just those kind of entrepreneurs. Dennis called me and said, We just got our virtual training simulator up and running in Colorado Springs, and we want you to come up and test it out. I go back a long way with these guys, we all became certified firearms instructors with the NRA at the same time and have continued to train and communicate on many firearms matters over the years. I was a little nervous as this is the kind of training cops and military do all the time, but me, Im a paper target guy. Sure I understand it all, and yes, I can shoot, but can I put it all together and not make a fool out of myself in the process? Got there in about 40 minutes as it’s right off I-25 and Circle and these guys were ready to rock.

Virtual Training here I come…….

I walked in, the staff knew I was coming, and I began reading through the normal paperwork and rules you would expect at any shooting facility. Dennis and I became Chief Range Safety Officers together and all this stuff was old hat. Dennis asked me to clear my carry weapon in the barrel provided, and we were off to a virtual training room. The place is laid out really nice, and they did a great job with the interior finish. As I walked into the virtual training room and Dennis shut the door behind us, I knew I was going to be in for a treat. Being a computer buff and web programmer, Dennis knew I wanted to see the brain so we looked at the scenarios and options before we started. The handguns are CO2 driven and have recoil from the operational slide. The laser hits the target, the screen sees it, and you can tell the computer whether or not to show you the hits. The people on the virtual training screen talk to you and you can talk back – with some options about the language they use just like movie ratings PG—-R if you get my drift. Anyone that knows me knows that PG was not my choice. I want this to be realistic and this dirtbag is not going to say yes, sir, and no, ma’am.

We ran through a lot of scenarios such as armed robberies, bank robberies, domestic violence, and just plain malcontent zombies with weapons. The one time I really realized I did not know what I was doing was when I put 6 rounds center mass with not much effect and realized that the guy was wearing a vest so I finished him with a headshot. Between scenarios, Dennis was able to show me a video of my reactions and what I did during the scenario. At one point when I went over to the counter to chat, I could feel my heart pumping and I was breathing a little harder. Moving from cover to cover, loading, and talking to the bad guy all has to be coordinated. There are things you just don’t think about until you BTDT. I ran both pistols and shotguns and asked to try the revolver at one point. I am an old wheel gun guy from way back so I took a position and Dennis started the scenario. A dirtbag steps out with a full-auto weapon and I say, SH#T, Im outgunned.

Virtual Training saves Ears and AMMO

This is the most fun you can have with your clothes on and not worry about any lawsuits. Would I go back? You bet!! Would it have been today? You bet! This is great training for all and there are about 500 scenarios that can be run. Once you have done it, all your apprehension is gone. U.S. Virtual Training Center is the bomb! Anyone that wants to go let me know and I’ll set it up. The virtual training center is now out of business.

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One Comment

  1. You’ve summed it up very eloquently!!! I was wowed by Dennis and this training facility when I finally decided to drop by one Saturday afternoon in June 2014. I had passed the center earlier in the day and saw a handful of folks outside of the front door and I mistakenly thought it was the grand opening for the facility ( I later learned they had been open for months already). The same scenario you described is what I experienced with Dennis and his walk-thru. I was so flabbergasted that I knew I just had to bring my family back (the very next day when wife wasn’t working) to see what I was so excited about. My wife and I will become members this July and are preparing to undergo the training they provide. It is such a wonderful reprieve to not have to drive way out East to shoot paper targets or pay huge fees to shoot at an indoor facility that comes nowhere near the realism of this place. All I can recommend is that anyone who carries (or is contemplating carrying) stop by and and experience this revolution in training. Thanks Dennis and your team for opening this facility and providing our community with such a priceless venue!!!

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