Concealed Carry Online Training

concealed carry online trainingI have seen a recent increase in people coming to me with the sad story of spending their money on concealed carry online training only to find out that it is not acceptable in Colorado.

First– Colorado adopted a law in 2013 stating that concealed carry online training was not appropriate and that it was not allowed under our concealed carry laws in Colorado. Some confusion was had when the NRA came out with a training module that was done online. The difference being that you had to seek out a certified instructor to finish the class in person. This was allowed under the law because you had part of the training with a live person and that was an exception in the statute.

2013 New Law in Colorado

New Colorado Law Bans All Online Training

C.R.S. §18-12-202(5)

“handgun training class” does not include any firearms safety course that allows a person to complete the entire course:

(I) Via the internet or an electronic device; or

(II) In any location other than the physical location where the certified instructor offers the course.

CCW Training Needs to be Hands On

Second– Concealed Carry Training is not something you get out of a cereal box. You need to not only discuss the laws of the state you will be carrying in, but you should have some hands-on training with a firearm. You need to know the proper and safe methods of handling your firearm on a general basis especially under stress. Very few people come to me with what I call appropriate knowledge. They are able to administratively handle their firearm and do it safely. I recently had a person in a class that had just taken another basic course from a certified instructor in the Pueblo Colorado area. This student informed me that they were not taught any of the safe handling techniques I use in my classes.

I find this especially troubling since most firearms accidents happen when administratively handling the handgun (loading and unloading). I also have witnessed instructors with students on the firing line where the student can not administratively handle that firearm safely in the shooting booth. This truly worries me that people are not getting some of the most important primary training they need. It’s no wonder that concealed carry online training was not allowed under Colorado law.

You can get the training you missed out on in that hotel class or that class with an inexperienced instructor. Contact me and let me know you would like to get a refresher on some of these issues and I will set you up for a class to do just that.

Some articles of Interest:

Safe Gun Handling- Loading and Unloading Pistols
Safe Gun Handling-Loading and Unloading Revolvers
Options When Carrying A Concealed Handgun

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