Presentation and Draw from the Conceal Carry Holster
Conceal Carry Draw From the Holster Training
When you make a choice to conceal carry a gun it is important to get proper draw from the holster training for conceal carry and practice so you can handle your equipment safely and effectively. One area usually missing is learning to draw from your conceal carry holster.
Learn a Proper Efficient Draw
When you draw properly, it can be the difference between life and death. During this class, you will learn and practice the steps needed to draw properly from a conceal carry holster. With practice, you will master the steps for a draw from the holster and combine them into one fluid motion. The draw from the holster training is one of the most important aspects of conceal carry and handgun self-defense. The instructor for the seminar is Rick Sindeband. Rick has many years of experience with firearms and is certified to teach this skill.
Don’t Be Fooled
Only one percent of all firearms instructors are actually certified to teach an individual proper and efficient draw from the holster. One of the key components is the safety aspect. There are many accidents that happen from improper equipment or poor techniques. Watching a video on youtube is not enough. A qualified instructor needs to watch and guide you through the process because you can’t see yourself making mistakes.
Many of the incidents you have seen nationally would have turned out much better for everyone involved had the person been trained properly. If you are on your church security team or just protecting your family. Get the training that saves lives.
Conceal Carry Draw From the Holster and Presentation Class
When: On Your Schedule
Time: 2 Hours
Cost: $45
Phone: 719-821-3958
Class size is limited Sign up Today
Conceal Carry Draw From The Holster Training Prerequisites
Prerequisites: 18 years old
What to bring:
Centerfire Handgun that fits your strong side holster
2 magazines/speed loader
2 support magazine/ speed loaders holders
100 rounds of ammunition
Sturdy belt