New Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit Program

new shooter 500Get as much training as you desire. Our new 3 Level Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit Training Program lets you build your training and skill over time. Each module is attainable in approximately 4 hour blocks. Take the Level I class no matter what your skill level is now. This gives you a good foundation for advanced training later.

Get the training you need to apply for your Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit. This permit allows you to carry a Concealed Handgun in Colorado and 33 additional states.

A firearm is not required to take Level 1, but if you own a firearm you should bring it to class. Many people want to learn about handguns and how to pick the right one for self defense. A firearm that is a gift or a hand-me-down may or may not be the right one for you. Level 1 instruction is not an NRA program. The NRA does not want Instructors teaching Gun Laws in their classes, and this is an important part of your Concealed Handgun Permit Training.

Level I is all that is needed to obtain a Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit

Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit
Level I 

Streamline the process of obtaining your permit
Firearms safety
Colorado Gun Laws and Elements of Self Defense
Safe handling of both Revolvers and Semi-Auto Pistols
Picking a firearm
Ammunition and Ballistics
Holsters and Equipment

Sign Up For Level I

This class is approximately 4 hours of training.

Level I Concealed Handgun Permit Training includes live fire and may not happen on the same day
as class. Colorado does not require live fire for a permit, but we think it is a good idea for
everyone to attend a live fire session. Some people like to attend live fire after the purchase
of their firearm.

This class is designed for the new gun owner, the experienced user, or anyone who needs basic
firearms education to be safe and obtain a Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit.

You can continue your education leading to the NRA Defensive Pistol Certification by taking both
Level II and Level III
Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit
Level II

Gun Owners Responsibility
Ethical Responsibility
Concealed Carry and Safe Gun Handling
Principals of Concealment
Presentation From Holster
Mental Awareness and Preparation
Shooting Qualification

Sign Up For Level II


This class is approximately 4 hours of training. Level I or equivalent is required to attend
you will need….
Gun, 100 Rounds factory ammo, Proper Holster and Belt, Eye and Hearing Protection


Colorado Concealed Handgun permit
Level III

Techniques for Avoiding Life Threatening Confrontations
Psychological and physiological Changes
Flash Sight Picture
Cover and Concealment
Reloading Under Stress
Clearing Common Stoppages
Shooting From Concealment
Shooting Qualification

Sign Up for Level III

This class is approximately 4 hours of training. Level 1 or equivalent is required to attend.
Level II and Level III must be completed to be Certified in The NRA Defensive Pistol Program.
you will need….
Gun,100 Rounds Factory Ammo, Proper Holster and Belt, Eye and Hearing Protection



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